Tuesday 5 June 2012

How I Like to Slow Down Time

 I know I'm not the only one who notices just how quickly time passes. Even more so it seems since I had my son. It's hard to even comprehend that 2 1/2 years have passed and I can't just stop him from growing up on me. The tiny little infant that rested perfectly in my arms, sleeping soundly, is now a curious wee man who wants to do everything on his own. Luckily though, he still likes to sleep snuggled into me. I wish that never had to go away.

But back on topic. Time seems to slow down so drastically when I break out the stroller and take him down to the beach. No cell phone, no distraction, just me, the bear and the sounds of the waves as it hits the beach. There is also a beautiful walking trail running the whole length of the beach, that The Bear just loves to explore . I do believe its all the Internet based  gimmicks we consume our lives with, that makes time fly by us at such a rapid pace. Sometimes though, it's just nice to escape it all, and go back to the basics of life.

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